Anyhow I have managed to validate some of my initial hypotheses though.
Hypothesis #1
Not everyone one knows about all the benefits of the food they eat
Hypothesis #2
Some eat certain healthy food for the sake of eating healthy but are not sure the exact benefits
For hypotheses 1 and 2 I asked people 'Do you know all the benefits of the raw and dry ingredients that you add to your meals?', they had an option of;
- No, but I know they are healthy
- Yes, somewhat
- Yes, I know them very well.
No one picked the last answer. 7 out of 13 chose the first option and 6 out of 13 chose the second. Thus it shows that my first two hypotheses are true. Only 13 people answered this question because I deleted this question later as some people said the survey was too long.
Hypothesis #3
When following a recipe there’s always at least one ingredient they don’t have because it’s uncommon.
Hypothesis #4
They always end up buying the uncommon ingredient and will only use it for that particular recipe or not often.
Prior to the survey, I actually interviewed two people with slightly different questions. Hypothesis 3 and 4 were actually my very first hypotheses. I asked them what problems they have when following a recipe and both said having all the ingredients you need. There are ingredients or equipment you only need for that recipe and won't be using it again. Another thing, both of them loving cooking and baking. But I'm not sure if that will be my customer segment.
Hypothesis #5
find healthy products are more expensive than unhealthy food
Hypothesis #6
7/10 people would like to have smaller sizes of food products
In the survey I asked 'What annoys you or frustrates you the most when you're food shopping?', and quite a few people have mentioned healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy food. Yes, bingo! Some people also mentioned about the size being too big if they are cooking for 1 to 2 people. Yes, bingo! So both hypothesis 5 and 6 have also been validated!!
That's 6 out of 14 hypothesis that has been validated, the rest I haven't tested them. That's my next step, I need to test all my initial hypotheses and then create new ones. I also need to define my segment and start building the MVP (minimal viable product).
That's it for now. Update you later!!
wow that's an interesting topic!:) Next year I'll be wrining my dissertation and I'll focus on fashion I guess :D nice blog! I added you to my google+ (petra lorietta), you can follow me back if you'd like;) kisses!
Hey! Thanks for your lovely comment. Good Luck with your dissertation. :) and I will follow you too