Thursday, 22 August 2013

Disso progress: A chance to Pitch to investors

Hello people! Today was has been an extremely productive day, I've been working on my dissertation for 12 hours almost none stop and am now on 12k words. I was really focused and was just in that working mode from 9am listening to some relaxing/yoga music, I actually downloaded them today to keep myself focused and it actually worked. Oh btw well done to those who got their GCSEs results.

So what's been happening in past 3 weeks, I think it was three weeks ago since I last blogged. Anyways, here are the highlights:

  • I contacted 2 healthy/food bloggers to test my MVP
  • One of the bloggers  introduced me to her sister and her friend who is a massive foodie and a food blogger to test my MVP
  • I also gave one sample to another class mate and to my mentor's fiancĂ©
  • I've completed all customer interviews, finally!
I really hope I will get a distinction for dissertation as this is the final chance to graduate with a distinction!!! Some of you may think does it matter what you get if you're considering of doing your own business? True the grade doesn't matter, but the fact I paid £10k for this course I would like to aim for the best. I remember in semester one, one of my lecturer told us not to stress about the courseworks because they are JUST courseworks. Lol.

The dissertation is due next Friday, seriously where did the time go?!! I know I keep saying that lol. Before handing the dissertation in there's a presentation on Wednesday which I think is 10% of our final mark. We will be marked by our mentor and supervisor. And that's not it, since this is an entrepreneurship course we get the chance to pitch our business ideas to investors on the same day. But... only 10 students get to pitch. During the presentation the mentors will decide who can pitch.

Initially, I wasn't sure if I should pitch because my business idea is such at an early stage. But my supervisor insisted ( she also pointed her finger at me) that I should pitch. Even if I'm not raising money, I will need to tell them I would be in the next few months. Exciting hey? I'm usually fine with presentations but I'm actually quite nervous already about the pitch, I think it's because this is the first time pitching and it is the real deal. Ok, I know I haven't even been picked yet. Actually this isn't the first time, I pitched at the E-challenge when I was doing Share N Wear.

Anyways, that's it for now. Thanks for reading. Good luck to you if you're also working on your dissertation.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Disso progress: A/B split testing

Hiya,  I cannot believe its August already! Holy Moly! My dissertation is due in 4 weeks but I have 3 weeks to write it. EEEKKK!! The last week will be the polishing part and preparing the presentation. I've started writing last week and have written 2500. But that's very little because the word count is 15,000. I got to push myself. I'm setting myself a target that will need to be met by Thursday and that is have written at least 6000 words. I've written out a schedule, finally, I've planned what I'll be writing and how many words on each day. Hopefully I will follow it.

As mentioned in my last post, I've been giving out the samples, the MVP, for people to try. I've sent out 5 so far but they are all to people I know. My other goal is to find about 5 strangers who are healthy food experts to test my MVP. So if that's you or know anyone will be interested PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment below this blog or tweet me or message me on Facebook.

A couple of my friends have sent me photos of their food using some of the stuff that I gave them. I'm so happy and excited that they all enjoyed it and sent me the photos. =D

My friend B made a pasta salad with the gluten free pasta and pumpkin seeds I gave her.

Here's another photo of her breakfast with some of the ingredients I gave her,baobab powder and chia seeds. 

The photos below are chocolate spelt pancakes which was a recipe I gave to them on try.

This one looks like a chocolate crumpet lol but its actually the chocolate soya spelt pancake. 

The feedback I got so far have been quite useful and positive. I've become more confident about this idea now. The best thing I've heard so far is that my friend went to Holland & Barratt straight away to get the full size of the products I gave her.  This reaction has validated one of my hypothesis!!! 

That's it for now.

Are you a healthy expert? Or do you like eating healthy? If you're interesting in testing my service, my business idea, MVP, whatever you want to call it, PLEASE PLEASE contact me! It doesn't take up much time, promise!