Sunday, 1 September 2013

The End and the Beginning

Hi lovely readers! How's your weekend been? Mine has been pretty good.
Some of you may wonder what the title of this post means. Well, Friday was officially the last day of my Technology Entrepreneurship course so that's the end and the beginning refers to entrepreneurship. Read on and I'll explain. I'm going to rewind back to Wednesday.

In my previous post I mentioned that I will be doing a presentation on my dissertation and maybe pitch to investors if I get picked. So I did the 10 minutes presentation and it went pretty well, went quite smoothly. But not sure if my content was good enough though. I wasn't nervous at all, I guess because its my idea and I've done enough research so I know what exactly to say.

So did I get picked to pitch? 

Yes, I did! Initially I wasn't sure if I wanted to pitch because my business idea is still at a very early stage and I was a bit scared lol. Also, I didn't know this pitch was for the Bright Idea Award which means that there's a chance to win some funding towards my business even if investors don't invest in my idea. The Bright Idea award was later in the afternoon on the same day. I had do to a 5 minute pitch in a room full of people; investors/judges, viewers, other pitchers and lecturers. 

So what happened?

The pitch didn't go as well as I wanted it to, because I was running out of time and I had to rush to the end. And the faces of the investors said it all, they weren't interested. So I thought I'm not going to get any investments, but at least I did it and got some experience. But....

I won the Bright Idea award!!! Well I was one of the winners. I won ££££ towards my business!!On top of that UCL is providing an office for free at the Hatchery in Shoreditch and also free mentoring. You know I actually didn't think I would win. One because I've never won anything and two I felt my pitch didn't go too well. I am so happy!

Fast forward...

On Friday,  I handed in my 15,000 word dissertation. When I handed it in I didn't feel excited or relieved, not sure why. It didn't feel like the end of the course either. But I am so going to miss it and the people. No more deadlines, no more emails from Uni.

So what's next?

As I said, its going to be the beginning of entrepreneurship. I will be pursuing my business idea. I really hope I will succeed. It's kind of scary though because I'll be doing it all by myself. Self discipline is very important now, I will need to set myself strict deadlines to meet my goals.I will try my best to follow the customer development, lean startup methodology and monitoring those key metrics lol.

I will carry on blogging about my journey, the startup life began at 24!!!